Carbon Black Cloud: Process Analysis View Unresponsive After September 27, 2021 console update
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Carbon Black Cloud: Process Analysis View Unresponsive After September 27, 2021 console update


Article ID: 287348


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Process Analysis view from Alert or Watchlists data does not populate and presents a “loading circle” after September 27, 2021 0.70.x console release
  • From the console to Enforce > Watchlists
  • Select a Report hit and click on the process name (hyperlink)
  • New tab opens to the Process Analysis page but nothing loads since only the device_id is part of the URL


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console (0.70.x September 27,2021 release)


This issue is due to process analysis link broken after the September 27 2021 0.70.x console release


VMWare Carbon Black Engineering is working towards a resolution as soon as possible and the article will be updated when a planned fix is finalized and in the meantime we have provided a workaround below

As a workaround you can still get to Analyze by following the steps below
  1. Go to Enforce > Watchlists
  2. Select desired Watchlists
  3. Click on Investigate icon (reticle)
  4. Review which Report triggered the hit by click on Watchlist Hit button (right of process name)
  5. Click on process name to go to Process Analysis page

Additional Information

You may have to reset the time window if using something other than the default 3 days.