How to resolve VMXPWJ0166E message?
Use the JOURNAL command to display or clear information about invalid password conditions for a specific user ID or terminal.
The JOURNAL command is documented in the VM:Secure Reference Guide - Chapter 2: Command Reference
Below is a snippet of the JOURNAL command, refer to the Reference Guide for the description and syntax.
To list current journal information:
JOURNAL {LIST | LISTPSWD } [{userid1 | termaddr} [command [userid2 [vaddr]]]]
To reset journal entries:
JOURNAL RESET {userid1 | termaddr} command [userid2 [vaddr]]
Specifies a terminal address for which to review or reset invalid passwords.
for example - If you received the following -
logon maint by <userid>
VMXPWJ0166E Terminal #.#.#.#' exceeded the CP logon password limit.
HCPLGA050E LOGON unsuccessful--incorrect password
Since the error is on the TERMid and the action was LOGON
The command would look something like -