CB Response: Can A Watchlist Be Used To Track Last Check-In Time For A Sensor?
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CB Response: Can A Watchlist Be Used To Track Last Check-In Time For A Sensor?


Article ID: 287288


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Can a watchlist be used to track last check-in time for a sensor?


  • CB Response: 6.2.4 and Higher


There is not a way to create a watchlist based on last checkin time of a sensor.

Additional Information

There are two potential workarounds:

Workaround 1:
  1. On the sensors pages, select the "All Sensors" under groups.
  2. On the right side, select "Filter" and select the "Last Checkin Time".
  3. Export to CSV.

Workaround 2:
  1. Run the following query on the backend server (master): 
pqsl -p 5002 cb -c "copy (select * from sensor_registrations where last_checkin_time > (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '180 day')) to '/tmp/sensors_180days.csv' with CSV HEADER"