CB Response: How To Update The Response URL In Alert Emails
Article ID: 287220
Updated On:
Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)
The URL for email alerts in CB Response is based off of the server's hostname. If the hostname does not match the FQDN, alert links will not work. These steps will cover what settings need to be changed to update the server's hostname.
CB Response: All Versions
Linux: All Supported Versions
Update the HOSTNAME field in /etc/sysconfig/network
From the command line, update the hostname reference
hostname host.domain.com
If the hostname is used for internal networking, update the hostname in /etc/hosts.
Do not make any changes in between # {{BEGIN - CB Server}} and # {{END - CB Server}}
If running a cluster and /etc/cb/cluster.conf references the node's hostname, update the value across all nodes. If cluster.conf uses the host's IP instead of domain name, this change does not need to be made.
Restart the server's network
/etc/init.d/network restart
If cluster.conf was updated, restart the cluster.
/usr/share/cb/cbcluster stop
/usr/share/cb/cbcluster status
/usr/share/cb/cbcluster start