How To Suppress The Health Check Alert For I/O Resources
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How To Suppress The Health Check Alert For I/O Resources


Article ID: 287156


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to delete a Health Check Alert for Operating Environment Requirements on the Server.


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions


Warning: Deleting a Health Check Alert may prevent notifications about critical system performance or other issues.
These steps should only be completed if directed by Support.
  1. Take a full backup of the das database.
  2. Open SQL Server Management Studio to obtain the correct indicator_id for the Alert by executing the following query: 
    USE DAS;
    SELECT indicator_id, name FROM SH_IndicatorsRunGUI;
  3. Compare the results to locate the relevant indicator_id and delete it by executing the following query:
    Use DAS
    EXEC SH_DeleteIndicator <insertindicatorIDhere>

Additional Information

  • The Indicator(s) may be rewritten during an upgrade at a later date.
  • These steps may prevent being informed about critical issues in the environment which could lead to degraded performance or other issues.