Carbon Black Cloud: Unexpected Results for Device Search API due to Asset Registry Changes in November 2023
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Carbon Black Cloud: Unexpected Results for Device Search API due to Asset Registry Changes in November 2023


Article ID: 287144


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  1. Scenario 1:
    • The "id" field in criteria will no longer identify numbers. It has to be enclosed in square brackets as an array format as per the device API, search devices specifications.
    • Case of failure: "id":1111111
    • Case of success: "id":[1111111]
    • v6 Device _search API mandates the values to be enclosed in square brackets for all fields which are part of the "criteria".
  2. Scenario 2:
  • User can no longer use "null" for "last_contact_time" field in criteria.
  • Case of failure: "last_contact_time": {"start": null, "end": null}
  • Case of success: "last_contact_time": {"start": 2023-10-01T00:00:00.000Z, "end": 2023-11-22T00:00:00.000Z}


Carbon Black Cloud: All Supported Versions


Assest registry change in November 2023


This is working as expected

Additional Information

  • The specifications did not change, the specifications are still the same as documented in Device API.
  • The implementation of the specification changed. Previously we had legacy CBD (_search) and in November 2023 the implementation was changed to Asset Registry.