Carbon Black Cloud: Unexpected Results for Device Search API due to Asset Registry Changes in November 2023
Article ID: 287144
Updated On:
Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)
Scenario 1:
The "id" field in criteria will no longer identify numbers. It has to be enclosed in square brackets as an array format as per the device API, search devices specifications.
Case of failure: "id":1111111
Case of success: "id":[1111111]
v6 Device _search API mandates the values to be enclosed in square brackets for all fields which are part of the "criteria".
Scenario 2:
User can no longer use "null" for "last_contact_time" field in criteria.
Case of failure: "last_contact_time": {"start": null, "end": null}
Case of success: "last_contact_time": {"start": 2023-10-01T00:00:00.000Z, "end": 2023-11-22T00:00:00.000Z}
Carbon Black Cloud: All Supported Versions
Assest registry change in November 2023
This is working as expected
Additional Information
The specifications did not change, the specifications are still the same as documented in Device API.
The implementation of the specification changed. Previously we had legacy CBD (_search) and in November 2023 the implementation was changed to Asset Registry.