App Control: Unified Management Error: "one of the servers you tried to add is already connected to another unified server"
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App Control: Unified Management Error: "one of the servers you tried to add is already connected to another unified server"


Article ID: 287120


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Unable to connect child servers to client server:     

Error: one of the servers you tried to add is already connected to another unified server


  • App Control (formerly CB Protection) Unified Management: All Versions


Connection was broken between the servers and the machine did not receive an update to disable Unified Management


On client server:
  1. Access https://servername/shepherd_config.php 
  2. Select UM_Mode from the dropdown 
  3. Note the property value 
  4. Enter 0 and then save. 


Additional Information

Note: If the central server's value is already set to 0, please check the value of the child server, you may set them to 0 if necessary.