Cb Defense: Is There a Way to Clear All Data Within the Console ?
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Cb Defense: Is There a Way to Clear All Data Within the Console ?


Article ID: 287111


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Is there any way to clear/reset all device data within the Web Console?


  • Cb Defense Web Console: All Versions
  • Cb Defense Sensor: All Versions



  • At this time, there is no functionality available to delete device data from an org within the Web Console PSC.
  • Customers are suggested to up-vote the following idea that has already been submitted here: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Idea-Central/Please-provide-an-option-to-clear-all-org-data/idi-p/30091 ​If you feel this option should be added to the product, please add your vote to this idea as this will add more weight to the request.