Cb Defense: What do the HTTP Error Codes for the SIEM Connector mean?
Article ID: 287064
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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)
In the /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-defense-syslog/cb-defense-syslog.log, what do the HTTP errors mean?
CB Defense Web Console: All Versions
CB Defense SIEM Connector: All Supported Versions
HTTP 200: Successful response. This means a successful connection has been made.
HTTP 400: Bad request. Check the messages response for more information on errors encountered parsing the incoming payload.
HTTP 401: Unauthorized. Double check the X-Auth-Token authentication HTTP header to make sure that the Connector ID and API key are valid.
HTTP 404: Object not found. The requested object could not be found in the backend data store or it may have expired (over 30 days old, etc.)
HTTP 429: Rate limiting encountered. Try again in a minute.
HTTP 500: Internal server error. Check the messages response for more information.
Additional Information
In addition, each message returns a boolean success indicator that indicates whether the operation was successful. The response contents should be further examined or processed only if the success indicator is true.
If there is another HTTP Error logged, or the above errors cannot be resolved, please Contact Support for Help