CB Defense: Why Do Mac Sensors Sometimes Show an Incorrect IP Address in the PSC Console?
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CB Defense: Why Do Mac Sensors Sometimes Show an Incorrect IP Address in the PSC Console?


Article ID: 287054


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Why does the Mac Sensor entry in the PSC Console show the IP address of the VPN or Proxy used by the Mac client?


  • CB Defense PSC Console: All supported versions
  • CB Defense PSC Sensor: and lower
  • Apple macOS: All supported versions


The Sensor is functioning as expected in that it will report the IP address of the network interface currently used for network communications.

Additional Information

  • When a VPN or Proxy is in use, the OS designates a logical interface, such as utun0 or utun1 for VPN/proxy use
  • Since the logical interface is used for network communicationis, the Sensor will report the IP address of this interface rather than the IP address of the primary network interface
  • The engineering team is working on improvements to the Mac Sensor so that the pimary network interface IP address is reported
  • Please review upcoming Sensor Release Notes for DSEN-4878
  • This article will be updated when DSEN-4878 is complete