CB Defense: Can Default RBAC Roles be Edited or Deleted?
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CB Defense: Can Default RBAC Roles be Edited or Deleted?


Article ID: 287039


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


Now that customization of RBAC roles is available, can the default roles be edited or deleted?


  • CB Defense PSC Console: March '19 Release and later (0.45)


No, the default roles cannot be edited or deleted

Additional Information

  • The default roles are static templates
  • There is no security risk in roles existing with all permissions granted because role permissions are hierarchical
  • The hierarchical nature of role permissions prevent any user from assigning permissions to a role that are not assigned to their own role
  • For example, a User that is assigned permission to Manage Roles and Users but not Connectors cannot assign permission to manage Connectors