App Control: Alert is Firing 2 or More Emails on Every Trigger
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App Control: Alert is Firing 2 or More Emails on Every Trigger


Article ID: 287019


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Two emails are sent on the same alert


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions


The email address is listed both as a subscriber to the Alert itself, but also in the Global Subscriber field. 


  1. Navigate to Alerts
  2. Edit the alert, and verify if the email is listed. 
  3. Navigate to Administration (Gear Icon) > System Configuration > Mail
  4. Verify if the address is listed as a Global Subscriber
  5. Once you've verified the duplicate, either:
    • Remove the email from the Alert itself, to continue getting the global alerts on that address
    • Remove the email from the Global Subscriber list to no longer receive all alert