Removing or Adding Customer Orgs to Partners Orgs Using Outsourcer Authorization Form
Article ID: 287001
Updated On:
Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)Carbon Black Hosted EDR (formerly Cb Response Cloud)
I need to remove or add a customer org to a partner org. What information is required to complete the Outsourcer Authorization form and where do I submit it?
Carbon Black Cloud: All Supported Versions
Existing customer of Carbon Black
Monitoring Partner
Supporting Partner
The submission of the Outsourcer Form must be submitted by the customer for link requests, but may be submitted by the partner OR customer for unlink requests
Download the attached Outsourcer Authorization Form
Complete the fields.
Fill in "Customer Name" line: This is the name of the company authorizing the addition or removal of the partner.
Fill in "Customer Domain" line: This is ORG Name of the Carbon Black Cloud ORG that the partner is being added or removed from.
Fill in "Customer Org ID:" line: This is the ORG ID of the Carbon Black Cloud ORG that the partner is being added or removed from.
Fill in "Customer Org Key:" line: This is the ORG Key of the Carbon Black Cloud ORG that the partner is being added or removed from.
Fill in the "Outsourcer (Partner) Name" line: Print the company name of the partner to whom authorization is being provided.
Check applicable box(es) to select level of authorization under "Select the Outsourcer Access level from the options below": NOTE: Check only the boxes applicable to your desired level of access. Contradictory options will require the form to be resubmitted correctly and cause delay in processing.
First box (PARTNER MANAGEMENT ACCESS TO CONSOLE) will provide direct access to the Carbon Black Cloud console.
Second box (REMOVE MONITORING PARTNER ACCESS) will revoke the partner's access to the customer's Carbon Black Cloud console.
Fill in the "Signature" line: An authorized representative of the company specified in the "Customer Name" field must sign this line.
Fill in the "Printed Name" line: Print the name of the signatory.
Fill in the "Title" line: Print the title of the signatory.
Fill in the "Date" line: Provide completion date of the Outsourcer Authorization Form
Submit the completed form to the Support team for processing.
Additional Information
A Supporting Partner cannot be removed through option 2 of the Outsourcer Authorization form. A Supporting Partner can only be removed at point of renewal.
Carbon Black Outsourcer Authorization Form 053124.pdfget_app