Console Upgrade Fails With Database Version Error
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Console Upgrade Fails With Database Version Error


Article ID: 286951


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Console upgrade fails displaying a popup window with the following message:
    Warning: Database version is not supported for an upgrade - %VersionFull%


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions


The schema version is incorrect in the DAS database


  1. Log in to the application server as the Carbon Black Service Account.
  2. Use SQL Server Management Studio to execute the following query against the App Control Database:
    use das;
    select * from dbo.validation_schema;
    select * from dbo.shepherd_configs where name = 'DBSchemaVersion';
    If the two versions returned do not match your installed version: Continue the process below.
  3. Create a full backup of the das database.
  4. Stop the App Control Server & Reporter services
  5. Using SQL Server Management studio, execute the following:
    use das;
    declare @version AS nvarchar(MAX) = (select value from dbo.shepherd_configs where name = 'ParityServerVersion');
    update dbo.validation_schema set version = @version;
    exec dbo.UpdateShepherdConfig 'DBSchemaVersion', @version;
  6. Verify the two versions returned now correctly match the version of the App Control Server installed.
    use das;
    select * from dbo.validation_schema;
    select * from dbo.shepherd_configs where name = 'DBSchemaVersion';
  7. Complete the Server upgrade.

Additional Information

This resolution can be used for any incorrect schema value not just %VersionFull%