App Control: How to Create a Command Line Macro in a Rule
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App Control: How to Create a Command Line Macro in a Rule


Article ID: 286940


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to use command-line macro in custom rule


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions


There are 4 ways to use command line conditions in the Rules:
  1. Apply the rule only if the full command line matches specified pattern (X). 
  2. Apply the the rule only if the command line contains at least X + 1 arguments, and argv[X] matches the pattern Y. 
  3. Apply the rule if any argument in the command line matches pattern X. 
  4. Apply the rule if the command line contains argument X and the argv[X+1] (the next argument after X) matches Y.

Additional Information

  • Wildcards may be used in cmdline macros. Inserting other macros inside cmdline macros is not supported
  • Some CmdLine rules may not apply correctly unless there are two spaces after the command like
    • Example:
      ping  -t
    • instead of:
      ping -t
  • This extra space may not be visible when viewing the rule even if it is there