App Control: How To Collect a SQL Server Profiler Trace
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App Control: How To Collect a SQL Server Profiler Trace


Article ID: 286874


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


To capture a SQL Server Profiler trace.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions


  1. Log in to the application server as the Carbon Black Service Account and launch SQL Server Profiler.
  2. Choose File > New Trace > Connect to the SQL Server hosting the das database.
  3. From the Trace Properties window > Events Selection:
    • Click Show All Columns.
    • Click Column Filters > DatabaseName > Like > das > OK
  4. Choose File > Stop Trace. 
  5. Choose Edit > Clear Trace Window.
  6. Prepare to reproduce the issue, then click File > Run Trace.
  7. Reproduce the issue
  8. Click Fil > Stop Trace.
  9. Click File > Save as > Trace File > Select Location and hit "Save"
  10. Upload the resulting .trc file to the Vault