EDR: Sensors marked as offline despite checking in normally
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EDR: Sensors marked as offline despite checking in normally


Article ID: 286864


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


One or more sensors are marked Offline in the EDR console even though they are checking in regularly. 


  • EDR Server: 7.x


Time is not properly synced between the EDR server(s) and endpoints


  1. Enable NTP across all server nodes and endpoints
  2. Ensure time is synced across devices

Additional Information

  • By default, Sensors will attempt to check into the EDR server every 1 minute.
  • By default, the EDR server will mark a sensor as 'Offline' if the endpoint hasn't checked in for 5 minutes. 
  • If the time difference between devices is more than 5 minutes, then this issue will occur. 
  • This symptom will not prevent event telemetry from being uploaded to the EDR server