Carbon Black Cloud: How to confirm content filtering or SSL Inspection is involved with Communication.
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to confirm content filtering or SSL Inspection is involved with Communication.


Article ID: 286818


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


How to confirm content filtering or SSL Inspection is involved with Communication


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Versions
  • WireShark


  1. Open your PCAP.
  2. Locate communication between client and CBC, use the Configuration Guide link from the firewall port KB below to help determine the CBC sites. 
    • tls.handshake && tls.handshake.extensions_server_name == ""
    • tls.handshake && tls.handshake.extensions_server_name == ""
    • tls.handshake && tls.handshake.extensions_server_name == ""
  3. Use 'Follow Stream' 'TCP' in the Conversations dialog to display that conversation. Dismiss the 'raw data' display that pops up; we won't need that for what we're doing. "Analyze\Follow\TCP Stream"
  4. Highlight the 'Certificate' packet in the top pane of the display in the Info column.
  5. Review the Transport Layer Security section and look for highlighted data, if it is highlighted it means there is an error you can drill into. 
  6. To see the signer of the Certificate drill down into Transport Layer Security \Handshake Protocol\Certificates\Certificate:...\signedCertificate\Issuer
    • Review the content for the RDNSequence to see if it matches expectations.
      CBC SitesCertsCert URL's

Additional Information

Firewalls and proxies can both do SSL Inspection, when a device intercepts our packet and provides its own it may interfere with the validation of or product, manifest or signature files.