App Control: Console Not Displaying Correct Policy & Enforcement Levels
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App Control: Console Not Displaying Correct Policy & Enforcement Levels


Article ID: 286783


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • If a new install, the Agent may not show as fully initialized or synchronized in the console
  • OS Information will incorrectly display different version in the console (Windows 2019, Windows 2016, Windows 10)
  • Policy moves or Policy changes will not be reflected/updated in the console
  • Running dascli status command on the local device shows that any Policy move or change (resulting in a CL Update) has in fact taken place


  • App Control Console: 8.6.x and below
  • App Control Agent: 8.6.x and below
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows 11


There is a known incompatibility in the user interface of Console version 8.6.x when managing the Agents on Windows 11/Windows Server 2022.


Both steps below will need to be completed in order to have full resolution

Additional Information

  • This is a UI related issue, as the Agent itself will still accept the changes made from the console, but it makes administration of the device and the greater console environment difficult to navigate.
  • If you see this issue, we recommend to upgrade both Server and Agent as mentioned above