Carbon Black Cloud: Sensor Upgrade Results in “Update Request Failed” Console Error
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Carbon Black Cloud: Sensor Upgrade Results in “Update Request Failed” Console Error


Article ID: 286776


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Submitting a Sensor update request via the Console fails with "Sensor update request failed" message.


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: June '23 Release (1.15)
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Supported Versions


  • As of June 15, 2023, organization of Sensor upgrades has been improved by allowing groups of Sensors to be given a name when updating them via the Carbon Black Cloud Console.
  • As a result, a unique name must be provided for each group of Sensors or the update request will fail.
  • Submitting an update request using the name of an existing Sensor update group will result in the "Sensor update request failed" message.


When performing Sensor upgrades from the Console, enter a unique name in the "Sensor update name" field prior to clicking Update Sensors.

Additional Information

The user interface of the Sensor Update Status tab has been improved to addresses customer feedback to allow increased visibility and control of update progress.