App Control: What do the colors of the agent connection status indicate?
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App Control: What do the colors of the agent connection status indicate?


Article ID: 286732


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


What do the colors of the Agent's connection status in the Console represent? 


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions


BlueConnected, Up to Date
YellowConnected, Out of Date (Agent out of date, requires reboot, or other reasons)
RedConnected, Health Check failed; indicates that the Agent needs immediate attention.
Clear with Gray BorderTemplate Computer

Additional Information

For agents with a Red colored status, collect the Health Check Events and contact VMWare Support. As mentioned, this may also appear if the agent is unprotected due to a reboot being required or there is an unsupported kernel on the agent's machine.