App Control: Does the Allocation Altitude of the ParityDriver Affect the Agent?
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App Control: Does the Allocation Altitude of the ParityDriver Affect the Agent?


Article ID: 286725


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Why is the Allocation Altitude of the ParityDriver not 80800 according to the Microsoft allocated altitude for 3rd party filters and does it matter? 


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


In total there are three different altitudes owned by Bit9 Inc:
  • CarbonBlackK.sys: is listed at 386720
  • b9kernel.sys: is listed at 329050
  • paritydriver.sys: is listed at 80800
The Allocated Altitude of 80800 was for an earlier release of the product. The altitude of the paritydriver.sys currently being used is 329050, and as it is also owned by Bit9 Inc there will be no conflict.

Additional Information

  • It is recommended to check with vendors directly regarding which altitude they're currently using, as it can change compared to the Allocated Altitudes listed by Microsoft.
  • Changing the altitude of paritydriver.sys is not supported, nor recommended.