App Control: Installation on Remote SQL Server Fails With "A database script 'add_remote_user' needed" or add_server_role needed error
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App Control: Installation on Remote SQL Server Fails With "A database script 'add_remote_user' needed" or add_server_role needed error


Article ID: 286720


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Installing (or upgrading) App Control and pointing it to a Remote SQL Server Fails with errors containing:
    • "A database script 'add_remote_user'"
    • "A database script 'add_server_role needed"


  • App Control Server: 8.8.x - 8.10.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions
  • Two Tier Environment


Known issue tracked under EP-16680 involving the method in which the remote database was called.


This issue was tracked under EP-16680 and resolved with the release of Server 8.10.2. Previously the workaround involved:
  1. Launch the Server installer, but do not continue the installation yet.
  2. Navigate to:
  3. Open add_remote_user.sql (or add_app_pool_user.sql and add_server_role.sql depending on the error) with a text editor (such as notepad)
  4. Locate the line:
    USE [das]
  5. Change to:
    -- USE [das]
  6. Save, and continue install.

Additional Information

  • This issue is scheduled to be fixed in the upcoming 8.10.2 server release (EP-16680).
  • If the install from an existing database has already failed then the database will need to be restored before another install is attempted.