Console Unavailable "Your demo of Carbon Black App Control has expired"
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Console Unavailable "Your demo of Carbon Black App Control has expired"


Article ID: 286702


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Unable to log in to the Console with message:
Your demo of Carbon Black App Control has expired. Contact Carbon Black support to purchase a copy.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions


Server License has expired.


  1. Request a new license file from your Carbon Black Account Representative.
  2. Import the updated license via SQL or on Service Start.

If the issue persists after importing the updated license:

  1. Collect the latest Server Historical Logs (locally).
  2. Collect the latest Database Performance Logs.
  3. Open a case with Support and provide the captured logs.

Additional Information

If the App Control Server License has not changed (or is not an expired Trial/Demo License) verify the permissions for the MachineKeys folder. If the issue persists, open a case with Support.