App Control: How to Connect Multiple Domains to one App Control Server
Article ID: 286689
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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Explain how to connect multiple Domains to one App Control Server
App Control Console: All Supported Versions
Multiple Forests/Domains
Log in to the Console and navigate to https://ServerAddress/support.php > Advanced Configuration
Specify the multiple domains in the "Browse Domains" field, separated by semicolons
Additional Information
There must be a trust relationships between the domains, specifically that the domain the App Control server and service are members of are trusted by the other domains.
The App Control service account will also need read and browse access to those domains just like it does to the current domain.
So for example, if your App Control server is a part of the TESTNET domain, you would need to add the EXTRANET domain to the list of "Browse domains" and then validate the app control service account user has LDAP permissions to read and browse the EXTRANET domain Active Directory to search and find the SID for the EXTRANET\AppC_user.
There was even a discussion about this on the User Exchange: here: