Health Check FailureId[625]: Agent Was Installed Using a Per-User Installation
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Health Check FailureId[625]: Agent Was Installed Using a Per-User Installation


Article ID: 286677


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Agent version 7.x was initially.
  • Agent was recently upgraded to 8.7.2.
  • Agent Health Check Event:
    Carbon Black App Control Agent detected a problem: The agent was installed using a per-user installation context which is not supported. Please reinstall with ALLUSERS=1


  • App Control Agent: 8.7.2


  • Older versions 7.x and earlier allowed per-user installation
  • Newer versions 8.x would block per-user installation and allow only per-machine install (ALLUSERS=1), but this is for new installs only
  • On an upgrade the Agent skips the "per-user installation" check, which results in the Health Check Event.


This issue was tracked under EP-15311 and resolved with the release of Agent version 8.7.6. Upgrading to Agent version 8.7.6 or higher will resolve the Health Check.

The Engineering Team did determine that this Health Check has no operational or security impact on the Agent.

Additional Information

  • As a temporary workaround, a Health Check Exclusion could be added for:
    *The agent was installed using a per-user installation*