Health Check FailureId[595]: Agent is allowed to be stopped [UpgradeAllowed]
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Health Check FailureId[595]: Agent is allowed to be stopped [UpgradeAllowed]


Article ID: 286676


Updated On: 06-19-2024


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


The Agent is reporting failed Health Checks similar to:

Carbon Black App Control Agent is allowed to be stopped Reasons [0008:UpgradeAllowed]


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions


The Agent's service is allowed to be stopped by Administrators. Typically this is due to an Agent Config designed for Agent Upgrades via third party tools (SCCM) being enabled. If Agent Upgrades are not taking place it is recommended to disable this Agent Config:

  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to https://ServerAddress/agent_config.php
  2. Add a filter > Value > contains: allow_upgrade > Apply.
  3. Edit (pencil icon) the relevant Agent Config and either disable it or change the Value to:
  4. Verify the Agent receives the change, then run a new Health Check.