App Control: Agent Property to Improve Login Performance
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App Control: Agent Property to Improve Login Performance


Article ID: 286646


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Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Slow log in times with the Agent installed.


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • Virtual Environment


The Agent has been configured with a large number of rules to process during login, or this is a multi-user or VDI environment.


  1. Verify that the VDI Golden Image is in its own Policy.
  2. Navigate to https://ServerAddress/agent_config.php
  3. Click Show Filters > Value > contains > reevaluate_on_logon > Apply
  4. Either Modify the existing Agent Config, or click Add Agent Config and use the following:
    • Name: Disable Reevaluate On Logon
    • Host ID: 0
    • Platform: Windows
    • Value:
    • Policy: Select the relevant VDI Policy (or Policies)
    • Status: Enabled
  5. Save the Agent Config and verify the changes are applied to the Golden Image (and Clones) accordingly.

Additional Information

  • When "reevaluate_on_logon" property is set to false, it will block the reevaluation of loaded processes on the system during user logon.
  • This is useful in multi-user systems, where the repeated reevaluation of processes against the rules can be very expensive and slow logon times.