App Control: Scheduled Database Backup Was Not Performed
Article ID: 286645
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Receive the Alert, "Scheduled database backup was not performed." after enabling the DB backup option
App Control Server: All Supported Versions
Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions
App Control does not perform any database backups directly. Rather, a request is sent to SQL Server to backup the database.
NOTE: The built in Automatic Backup feature within the Console should not be used for environments of more than 100 endpoints. This feature is designed to be used with SQL Server Express only.
Run the following queries and provide the results to Support Team for further analyzing
First Query
Second Query
USE das
SELECT * FROM dbo.scheduled_tasks WITH (NOLOCK) where task like '%ProcessBackupRequest%'
Third Query
SELECT * FROM dbo.shepherd_configs WITH (NOLOCK) where name in ('DBSchemaVersion','BackupIsLocal','BackupMode','BackupPath','BackupUsername','BackupDomain','LastBackupMissingEvent','BackupStatus')
If xp_cmdshell needs to be enabled the following query can be ran
USE das
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',0
Disable and Enable one more time the backup from Console
Do not turn off the xp_cmdshell, this is needed when the database backup is enabled
Additional Information
The Automatic Backup option in the Console is designed to be used with environments of 100 total Computers or less (SQL Server Express).
When using SQL Server Standard or greater the Maintenance Plan feature within SQL Server Management Studio should be used instead.