Configuring Unified Management to centralize the management of multiple App Control Server installations.
App Control Server: All Supported Versions
Step 1 - Enable Unified Management:
Log in to the Console with an account that has the Role, Administrator (Unified Management).
Navigate to Settings > System Configuration > Unified Management.
Click Edit and change the Unified Management option to Enabled, then click Update.
Step 2 - Add Servers to Unified Management:
Log in to the Console with an account that has the Role, Administrator (Unified Management).
Navigate to Settings > System Configuration > Unified Management.
Click Edit > Add Server.
Enter the Server Address for the remote App Control Server and click Authenticate.
When prompted, enter the credentials of a User from the remote Server with the Role, Administrator (Unified Management).
If using a Certificate Authority issued cert, Certificate Verification can be enabled to verify the connection.
One authentication is successful, the dialog closes and the option to Add Server is shown.
After completing all steps, click Update.
Step 3 - Authenticate a User on Managed Servers:
To use Unified Management to access existing client servers, a user must have the following credentials:
A User Account on the Central Server that has permission to use Unified Management features.
The Authentication Account does not need Unified Management permissions.
An Authentication Account on each Managed Server that provides access to the necessary local features.
Actions taken by a User appear in Events as having been performed by the Authentication Account, not the Logged-in User.
Users accessing a Managed Server from the Central Server have the permissions of the Authentication Account, not their own.
Log in to the Managed Server's Console and navigate to Settings > Login Accounts > Add User.
Create a User with Unified Management permissions, or add those permissions to an existing account.
Log in to the Central Server with the new account from the Managed Server.
Navigate to User Settings > Unified Server Authentication > Authenticate.
In the dialog, provide the relevant User details and click Authenticate.
When all Managed Servers are authenticated, click Save.
Additional Information
After connection to the Managed Server is authenticated, it remains authenticated unless the Server Address for the Managed Server changes.
Errors for Disconnected and Unreachable Servers are logged in <ServerInstallDir>\Parity Console\WebUI\Logs\php_errors.log
Unified Management permissions are split into two categories:
Administration (Unified Management) to create an account that can both use the features and change the configuration of Unified Management.
User (Unified Management) to create an account that can use the features, but not change the configuration of Unified Management.
Unified Management features include:
Unified Events is a Saved View available
File Information from all Servers is available through the Central Management Server.
Rules (File Rules, Custom Rules, Memory Rules and Registry Rules) can be created on from the Central Management Server and applied to some or all Managed Servers.
User Interface changes include a symbol with three cubes together, indicating that a feature has Unified Management enabled. On pages that show results from multiple Managed Servers the word Unified appears next to the page heading.