Linux Agent Install Error: Cannot create temporary file - mkstemp: No such file or directory
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Linux Agent Install Error: Cannot create temporary file - mkstemp: No such file or directory


Article ID: 286547


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


During installation of the Linux Agent the following error is returned:

Cannot create temporary file - mkstemp: No such file or directory
ERROR: Failed to install b9notifier, rolling back install.


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Linux OS: All Supported Versions


The endpoint is unable to automatically download and install the missing dependencies required by the Linux Agent.


Manually download and install the missing dependencies using the following steps:

  1. Use Terminal to change to the directory where the Agent installation package is extracted, example:
    cd /home/usr/Downloads/HE-Desktop-redhat/
  2. Use the RPM command to determine the Failed Dependencies, example:
    sudo rpm -ivh b9agentRedhat9.rpm
  3. Review the output for Failed Dependencies, example:
    error: Failed dependencies:
             initscripts is needed by b9agent-VERSION
             unzip is needed by b9agent-VERSION
  4. Install the missing dependencies, example:
    sudo yum install initscripts unzip
  5. If installing the Agent with the notifier, repeat the steps with the Notifier RPM, example:
    sudo rpm -ivh b9notifierRedhat9.rpm
  6. After manual installation of the dependencies has completed, attempt the Agent installation again.

If the issue persists open a case with Support and provide:

  1. Output from the command:
    uname -a
  2. The full install log and screenshots of all relevant error(s).