Managing Email Notifications for Alerts
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Managing Email Notifications for Alerts


Article ID: 286516


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


To setup an email notification for when an App Control Alert is triggered.


  • App Control Console: All Supported Versions


Mail Notification Configuration:

  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to System Configuration > Mail > Edit.
  2. Under "Alert Settings" enable the relevant options:
    • Mail Notification Enabled: Allows an email subscriber to a specific Alert to receive an email when the Alert is triggered.
    • Global Subscriber Enabled: A single email address that receives all Alert emails.
  3. The "Approval Request Settings" determines whether the User making an Approval Request receives an automatic email when the Approval Request is closed.
  4. Under "Server Settings" enter the relevant details for the mail server:
    • Mail Server: Can be an IP Address or Fully Qualified Domain Name.
    • Mail Server Port: Specify the port in use for mail server. Default value of 25 is used for standard SMTP mail; 587 for Secure Mail.
    • Mail "From" Address: Need not be an actual, functioning email address, but must be in proper syntax for an email address.
    • Secure Mail (TLS): Determines whether email is sent by Secure Mail. Requires Username/Password to authenticate. Not compatible with multi-factor authentication.
  5. Use the Validate Server feature to test the email server configuration. 

Adding Alert Subscribers:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Alerts > edit the relevant Alert.
  2. In the Subscribers > Email Address > specify relevant Email address for this Alert > Add.
    • Multiple Subscribers can be added to a single Alert by clicking the Add button.
    • The Add button will be displayed when a qualified email address is entered.
  3. Alerts will now be sent to the specific Subscriber (and Global Subscriber, if configured).

Additional Information

  • Currently only one email address is allowed in the Global Subscriber field, however a Distribution List could be used in that field instead.
  • It is recommended to use Secure Mail when configuring Mail Notifications.