The output of the PowerShell command should indicate that the name resolves to an IP and the TcpTest is "True"
RemoteAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True
If Remote address did not return the correct IP address then the DNS must be fixed
If the TcpTest is "False" then port 41002 is not accessible on the server
The output of netstat -ano | findstr "41002", should be 'ESTABLISHED' - This is necessary in order for comms to succeed between agent and server. If there is anything other than 'ESTABLISHED' (including No output), then this generally indicates some issue or other with Firewall or proxy settings, and will likely need the Infra/IT Team to help determine why Port 41002 connection was not 'ESTABLISHED', as this is not something the agent has control of, as it relies on the connection settings in order to make the 2 way communication.
If ICMP response is disabled in the environment, ping may not be successful