Agent upgrade: Failed executing Installer[C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\ParityHostAgent.msi] Cmdline[/qN /i "C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\ParityHostAgent.msi" /l*v+ "\\?\globalroot\device\harddiskvolume2\programdata\bit9\parity agent\logs\ParityHostAgentInstall_2023-04-27_10-09-43.log"]. Fatal error during installation.
Warning: Local cached package 'C:\Windows\Installer\d767960.msi' is missing. .... Move a existing file failed: 3. Error 1336.There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation. Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent\. System error code: 5
The expected cached agent MSI file from a previous install or upgrade is missing; this can be caused by:
Typically, such files are cached by the Windows installer in "C:\Windows\Installer\" folder or, if deployed via SCCM in the "C:\Windows\Ccmcache" folder.
If the previous cached MSI was removed, on the next agent upgrade attempt, the Windows Installer only partially removes the previous agent which will result in a corruption and inability to upgrade successfully going forward.
Warning: Local cached package 'C:\Windows\Installer\d767960.msi' is missing.
$loc = Get-ChildItem -Recurse HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\ $loc | ForEach-Object { Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath } | Where LocalPackage -ne $null | Sort DisplayName | Select DisplayName,LocalPackageExample result:
DisplayName LocalPackage ----------- ------------ Bit9 Agent C:\Windows\Installer\d767960.msi
Future Agent Upgrades can fail due to the presence of leftover Registry Keys.