Using Dascli or b9cli to Issue Agent Commands
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Using Dascli or b9cli to Issue Agent Commands


Article ID: 286491


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


How to use the dascli (Windows) or b9cli (Linux/macOS) commands.


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions



  1. Log in to the endpoint and use a command prompt to change to the Agent's directory:
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
  2. Some commands first require authentication, but all commands are started by calling dascli, examples include:
    • Authentication not required:
      dascli status
    • Authentication required:
      dascli password GlobalCLIPassword
      dascli tamperprotect 0


  1. Log in to the endpoint and use a command prompt to change to the Agent's directory:
    cd /opt/bit9/bin
  2. Some commands first require authentication, but all commands are started by calling b9cli, examples include:
    • Authentication not required:
      ./b9cli --status
    • Authentication required:
      ./b9cli --password GlobalCLIPassword
      ./b9cli --tamperprotect 0


  1. Log in to the endpoint and use a command prompt to change to the Agent's directory:
    cd /Applications/Bit9/Tools/
  2. Some commands first require authentication, but all commands are started by calling b9cli, examples include:
    • Authentication not required:
      ./b9cli --status
    • Authentication required:
      ./b9cli --password GlobalCLIPassword
      ./b9cli --tamperprotect 0

Additional Information

If Agent Management has been configured to allow authentication via User/Group, running the command prompt as that user would allow authenticated commands to be used without first entering the Global Password.