App Control: Does the Agent Provide Protection in Safe Mode?
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App Control: Does the Agent Provide Protection in Safe Mode?


Article ID: 286453


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Does the Agent provide protection in Safe Mode?


App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


By default the option to load the Agent in Safe Mode is disabled. To enable this go to Rules > Policies > relevant Policy > and enable the option: Load Agent in Safe Mode.

Important: Since the Agent can interfere with Safe Mode recovery operations, use this option only if you have other means of recovery (other than Safe Mode). If you have questions about enabling the Agent to run in Safe Mode, contact Carbon Black Support.

Additional Information

  • This feature is not currently supported for Mac or Linux.
  • If the Agent has network access to the Server in Safe Mode then Events will be sent normally. If network access is not available in Safe Mode the Events will be stored locally until the connection is restored.