Collect Database Logs for Performance Issues (SQL Server)
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Collect Database Logs for Performance Issues (SQL Server)


Article ID: 286421


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


To collect diagnostic logs for SQL performance cases


  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions


  1. Download the attached CB_Analysis_Script.
  2. Log in to the application server hosting the Console as the Carbon Black Service Account. 
  3. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server.
  4. Click File > Open > File (CTRL+O) and select CB_Analysis_Script.sql 
  5. Click Query > Results To > Results to Text (CTRL+T).
  6. Click Execute and once the script completes, right click the results and choose Save Results As...
  7. Next > expand Management > right-click SQL Server Logs > View > select SQL Server Log > check the Current log  > click Export
  8. Collect a copy of the following files from the Parity Server directory:
    \Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Server\ServerLog.bt9
    \Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Server\Reporter\ParityReporter.log
  9. Upload all collected data.

Attachments get_app