CB Defense Sensor: Unable to Login, Error: "ctiuser.dll is missing from your computer"
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CB Defense Sensor: Unable to Login, Error: "ctiuser.dll is missing from your computer"


Article ID: 286415


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


  • Upon login attempt, the error appears:
"The program can't start because C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ctiuser.dll is missing from your computer.  Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
  • confer-temp.log shows:
1/21/19 15:10:39: 1aac     SiUtilGetWmiUUID: ERROR: CreateProcess failed: 2
ParseReplyHeader: errorCode = 0 (0x00000000), success = true


  • CB Defense Sensor: 3.4.x.x
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


Corrupted install or upgrade attempt of the Sensor


  1. If install/upgrade for Sensor failed and in Add / Remove Programs
    1. Uninstall CB Defense Sensor (https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/CB-Defense-How-to-Uninstall-Windows-Sensor/ta-p/65560)
    2. Install intended Version of CB Defense Sensor
    3. Verify functionality
  2. If unable to uninstall the Sensor due to error messages or uninstall failure
    1. On Device that has the intended Sensor Version installed copy
    2. Move this file to same location on affected Device
    3. Restart Device
    4. Verify functionality

Additional Information

If this issue occurs and the above Resolution does not allow normal login and ability to install Sensor please open a Support Case.