App Control: Pages in the Console are Not Loading
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App Control: Pages in the Console are Not Loading


Article ID: 286244


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Pages in the console not loading, for example Assets > Computers, or Reports > Events
  • Error message:  "Something went wrong! See the error log for more details."


  • App Control: All Versions


  • Generally, this is caused due to timeouts from having too many filters set on a page.
  • It is also possible that a saved view became corrupted.


  1. Clear the browser cache first, or confirm that the issue does not exist in another browser
  2. Check to see if the page will load for other users of the console.  If so, the issue is specific to the user profile.
  3. To resolve, reset the profile settings by clicking on the username drop down in the top right corner, and selecting User Settings
  4. Click on the Reset Current Settings option at the far right of the page.