Carbon Black Cloud: What is the Best Practice for Upgrading an Operating System With the Sensor Installed?
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Carbon Black Cloud: What is the Best Practice for Upgrading an Operating System With the Sensor Installed?


Article ID: 286215


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


What is the best practice recommendation for the Sensor state when upgrading any operating system?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All supported versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All supported versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions
  • Apple macOS: All supported versions
  • Linux: All supported versions


There is currently no best practice for applying updates or upgrades to the operating system as no changes should be needed for this

Additional Information

  • With all supported Sensor versions the Operating System upgrades / updates should be allowed to run normally with the Sensor active
  • If you have any issues with installing upgrades / updates with the Sensor active please open a Support Case