Execute the 'FilePath_Pruning_Scope_AllVersion.sql' script
Results will validate percentage of orphaned files/paths
Open Services.msc
Stop the "Carbon Black App Control Reporter" and "Carbon Black App Control Server" services in services.msc
These services were formally named "CB Protection Reporter" and "CB Protection Server"
Extract 'FilePathNamePruningBat_X.X.X.zip'
Double click the DeleteOprhanedNames_X.X.X.bat
Script will prompt for name of the SQL server.
This needs to match how it is seen in the Objects Panel of the SQL Server Management Studio, e.g, Instance\Servername Note: if unsure then open SSMS, right-click on the top tree node > properties > (copy and paste what's in the 'name' field)
Let the .bat script complete.
Once complete, copy the output from the command window into a text file and save it.
Restart the "Carbon Black App Control Reporter" and "Carbon Black App Control Server" services in services.msc
Rerun the 'FilePath_Pruning_Scope_AllVersion.sql'
Provide the results of step 3, 10, and 12 to Carbon Black Support.
Additional Information
Do not use this script without the help from Carbon Black Support.
FilePathNamePruning.bat is version specific.
FilePath_Pruning_Scope_AllVersion.sql is not version specific
Cancelling the script after starting will leave the database severely corrupted and require a restore. Contact Support if any questions or concerns come up.
Due to the creation of temporary tables, please verify that there is at least twice the free space of the current DAS database size
This process can take several hours depending on database size