Warning: The following information will reduce visibility into files written by the Windows full upgrade process. In rare occurrances this could lead to files not being approved.
The following steps will disable tracking of Writes, Reads, and Renames by the setuphost.exe process for a specific policy. Please speak to your security team prior to applying this change.
- Log into your Cb Protection Console.
- Change the URL to https://YOURSERVERNAME/agent_config.php
- Click the 'Add Config' button and enter the following details:
- Property Name: kernel Exclusion Windows 10 Upgrade
- Host ID: 0 (for all devices)
- Value: kernelProcessExclusions=*\$windows.~bt\sources\setuphost.exe:312
- Status: Enabled
- Policy: Select the specific policy for the Windows 10 devices.
- Once saved, wait for the devices to become up to date on their CL rules before attempting the upgrade again.