Carbon Black Cloud: Why Does the Linux Sensor Run as Root?
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Carbon Black Cloud: Why Does the Linux Sensor Run as Root?


Article ID: 286019


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Why does the Linux sensor run as root?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


The sensor needs to run as root so it can:
  • Install, start, stop and communicate with its kernel driver
  • Read arbitrary files on the file system in order to produce hashes for them
  • Be able to upgrade itself (e.g. run the installer that in turn must be root)
  • Depending on the specific query may need to access resources available only to root ((Audit and Remediation/Live Response))
  • Kill bad processes (Enterprise EDR hashbanning, Endpoint Standard policy actions)
  • Running as root affects calculations done by the OOM killer (to reduce the chance of killing a root process) and access to reserved memory.