EDR: Mismatched process information between Process Search and Process Analysis pages
Article ID: 285984
Updated On:
Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)
The parent in Process Analysis changes when refreshing or selecting sibling / parent processes
Searches by parent process may return processes with different parents
Segments in the process document show different parents between segments
EDR Windows Sensor 6.x and below
EDR Linux Sensor: All Supported Versions
Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
Linux: All Supported Versions
This is a known issue for Windows Sensor that occurs when a process ID matches for two different processes - CB-18338 This is also a known issue for the EDR Linux Sensor that is being resolved in CB-21348
Upgrade Windows sensor to version 7.0.1 and above for the fix
This issue targeted to be resolved in the 7.3.X Linux Sensor.