EDR: How to import/export feeds to an airgapped EDR instance?
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EDR: How to import/export feeds to an airgapped EDR instance?


Article ID: 285946


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How can we export and import feeds into an airgapped EDR instance?


  • EDR: All Supported


  • In the 7.5.0 EDR the /usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap script was implemented: 
usage: cbfeed_airgap [-h] [-v] [-p EDR_PORT] {import,export} ...

VMware Carbon Black EDR feed import/export utility for air-gapped systems

positional arguments:
  {import,export}       Commands
    import              Import feeds from disk
    export              Export feeds to disk

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Provide more detailed output
  -p EDR_PORT, --port EDR_PORT
                        EDR port (default: 443)
  • Much like other EDR airgapped functions, this item will require a networked EDR instance to pull the appropriate feeds.
  • To export feeds:
/usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap export
  • To export feeds with custom UI port 8443
/usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap -p 8443 export
  • Transfer feeds directory over to airgapped machine (export directory default: /tmp/cbfeeds_airgap)
  • To import feeds:
/usr/share/cb/cbfeed_airgap import -f /tmp/cbfeeds_airgap/