Endpoint Standard: How to provide reputation approval for a cmdline Chrome plugin like SmartBear?
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Endpoint Standard: How to provide reputation approval for a cmdline Chrome plugin like SmartBear?


Article ID: 285912


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


How does one provide reputation approval for a cmdline-based Chrome plugin like SmartBear?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console:  All versions
  • Endpoint Standard CSR Console: All versions
  • Endpoint Standard Sensor:  All Windows versions


  1. Edit the policy for the target sensors.
  2. Prevention Tab
  3. Permissions
  4. Add an api bypass rule for the following path similar to this (SmartBear is the example):
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 14\**

Additional Information

If the API Bypass rule does not work, one may have to set a rule was to allow "Invokes a command interpreter" 

  1. Prevention Tab
  2. Permissions
  3. Turn off Deny for "Invokes a cmdline interpreter"