Carbon Black Cloud: Support policy in Horizon and Citrix virtual Application Layer volume environments.
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Carbon Black Cloud: Support policy in Horizon and Citrix virtual Application Layer volume environments.


Article ID: 285903


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


What is the Carbon Black Cloud support policy for Horizon and Citrix virtual application layer/volume environments?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All windows versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Server: All versions
  • Horizon Application Volumes/Instant Clones
  • Citrix Virtual Application and Desktop: All versions


  • Carbon Black Cloud sensor installed at the OS layer -> supported
  • Carbon Black Cloud sensor installed at the Application layer -> not supported
  • Windows applications installed at the OS layer -> supported
  • Windows applications installed at the Application layer -> not supported

Additional Information

Installation on the Application layer does not give the correct access to the kernel that the Sensor needs to operate properly, and as such is not supported.