Why Doesn't The Solr Database Require Authentication?
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Why Doesn't The Solr Database Require Authentication?


Article ID: 285877


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Can authentication for connections to the Solr database be turned on?


  • EDR Server: All Supported Versions
  • RHEL: All Supported Versions
  • CentOS: All Supported Versions
  • Solr DB: 5.5.5 and lower


It is not recommended to turn on authentication within Solr, as EDR employs a reverse proxy model using Nginx to secure access to the Solr database.

Additional Information

  • The firewall rules can be used to prevent access to Solr 
  • Turning on or enabling authentication within Solr is not recommended and would put the system in an unsupported state (meaning the authentication would need to be disabled in order to get Engineering assistance for any Solr issues)
  • It is possible to turn on additional logging within Solr, but this would show every update and query, producing more noise with minimal benefits
  • All incoming access to Solr is authenticated through Nginx acting as a reverse proxy
  • Accessing the database directly must be done from the server hosting Solr