In the unlikely event that the
file does not exist on the primary server, follow these steps:
- Ensure you are logged in to the primary server as root
- Edit:
- Look for this line and add it to the file if it does not exist:
sshPrivateKey=/etc/cb/cb_ssh if it doesn't exist
Save the file.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- A prompt will appear: "Enter file in which to save the key". Enter:
(Note: do not add .pub, it will create a public and private key itself)
- Press enter twice, do not put a password in
- Run:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id -i /etc/cb/ root@<ip of minion> -p 22
This last step will copy the key over. If it doesn't then manually copy it manually into
/root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the secondary server by follownig the Resolution steps above.