Cb Response: Cannot save a watchlist query when using the & character
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Cb Response: Cannot save a watchlist query when using the & character


Article ID: 285770


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Error appears if saving a new watchlist with & character
  • Anything before the & is saved, everything else is stripped from the query


CB Response Server: 6.4.x and before


This issue has been identified as a known issue with the ID CB-23654. Fixed in 6.5.0


There are two options to resolve this.
  1. For pre-6.5.0 instances create the watchlist from the search page
  2. For 6.5.0 and above, the ampersand should be between single or double quotes. 

Additional Information

  • For workaround 1. The watchlist is not valid to be edited after, it will fail as per the original issue. Delete the watchlist and recreate via the process search page with the edits